“Before I had kids I wrote TV Promos for the show “Super Nanny”. After saving all the show episodes and reading a couple of “child rearing” books, I thought I was good to go! Then my first child was born and boy did I need help. “What would the ‘Super Nanny’ do”, just wasn’t cutting it and I knew I needed something more, something authentic. Fast forward to finding a wonderful child led preschool and attending Michelle’s Echo Parenting class, and I’ve come full circle, or at least a semi-circle.

Michelle is a wonderful and nurturing teacher. I learned so much about how to raise children with love, respect and understanding. Her class helped me take a giant leap forward towards the type of close, loving relationship I want with my children now and in the future. I do have my setbacks each  day, but I feel like I have a set of tools I can fall back on to get me through the hard knocks of parenting.

I strongly recommend Michelle as a parenting coach and teacher! She’s one of the best!”

– Laura La Rosa